The Iguanas at Iguana Beach Were Really Nice and You Can Feed Them and I Named The Smallest One Tiny. |
This is at Blackpoint where we fed these little goats and 1 sheep. The big billy goat would not let the baby goats have any grass and he would butt the fence and push his way through the chickens but as you can see I got to feed these little cuties without the billy pushing the babies out of the way! |
After we put 12 fish carcasses in the water and I was at are friends boat Drew yelled shark so we went over to Tangent and got into Cosine and chased him around and if you look at his head there is a dark line and it looks like it was from a propeller. He is a tiger shark and I named him stripes. |
We had to take this crazy crab out of the bucket with a stick and he walked away with it in his hand like it was a sword! |
We were in Cosine going through the mangroves and we saw 2 skinny dogs then they went into the mangroves where we could not see them. They were following us on paw. |
We finally made to a small beach where we finally got to really to see them up close. Are friends had a dog so they brought some dog food. |
Nom crunch crunch crunch. We named the left one Sadie and the right Sister |
Us looking at pigs, Staniel Cay, Bahamas. |
This dolphin was following us to Turks and Caicos. His name is Torpedo. |
When we were coming back from are restaurant we saw horse scat and then we past by an old house at least I think it was an old house and there was a dark brown horse who looked like like he needed a fur cut. We named him Caico. |
This is at DOMINICAN REPUBLIC on a pretty horseback ride. First we were down then we went up a big hill and saw where the instructor lived and we saw his house and family. We stopped at the top to rest the horses and get a drink.My horses name was Caramel. |
On the horseback ride we saw wild turkeys and donkeys |
This little fish was caught and released at CULEBRA. Her name is Beauty. |
This was a terrible horse back ride at PUERTO RICO. There were two screaming 3&4 year olds screaming when a guy came up and whipped my horse and the girls horse and made them trot which made the front horses trot and the trot was so uncomfortable and it hurt..."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"They would scream so loud and I was right next to one. My horses name was Peterson. |
We got to feed a horse named JR. |
| This was at Antigau. This was inside a museum where this little bananaquit was trapped but got out. |
This is a nice photo of a grasshoper at the museum. |
This is at the donkey sancutary. This donkey was crazy, he kept trying to be all innocent and when you got closer he would try to attack you! |
| This is Rebel the sweetest donkey there. She was very skittish and she would get picked on by the other donkies. |
| This is Peggy the peregrine falcon. We saw her attacking an osprey and then land on a boat's mast and then she flew to us and attacked our wind instrument. she almost dived on me! |
This is at Barbuda on the frigate bird tour. This is one of the babys with a female in the backround. |
This is drummer. I named him that because they make a drumming sound with their bellies and Drummer had such a big belly. |
This female is relaxing by laying her wing out on the mangroves. |
There are some more babys. |
This is Charlotte, a 3 day old lamb. |
Charlotte could hardly even walk. They are chasing after their flock in this photo. |
In this photo Charlotte is whispering in her mama's ear! |
Drew got this nice photo of Charlotte laying down. When we got closer her mom was looking at us very warily. |
| We spent some time looking at this donkey in the grass. The donkeys at Barbuda at very skitish. |
That is the same donkey but she has a little baby with her who is very curios. |
This is the parade group. |
You can see why I call them this, because the trot in formation. |
We caught up with baby who is named Sally. |
The parade group, Sally and her mother all hang out in a little herd. |
Cali & Penfield
This is Culebra at the store MILKAS. The cat I am holding is Penfield. I named him that because he looks just like a cat we had. |
The calico cat is Cali, Penfield's sister. In this picture you can see that Penfield and Cali have the big fluffy tail just like our cat. |
Drew and I liked holding Penfield and he was super light. |
This is 1 year later and we saw them again at MILKAS. |
| You can see that Penfield is much bigger. |
Cali was skimpy and thin but we knew she was ok. |
Cali was not as freindly as Penfield was, but she was still very sweet. |
Candygram for Mongo
This is at St. John on the petroglyphs trail. The mongoose in the woods is Mongo. We saw him eating somthing he caught. Mongoose are very hard to see because they're always running really fast, but the best time to see one is when they are eating. |
He looked up at us be cause he thought we were going to steel his food. |
Cats at Beef
This is at Beef island in the BVIs at a resturant called the Loose Mongoose. This cats name is Boots. The people at the resterant took care of her. |
This is at the airport on Beef island where these cats live and are fed. |
This cat here is half blind but will follow the person that feeds him. |
This one here is very sweet and has a sriped tail. |
Dominican Republic
This is at DOMINICAN REPUBLIC on a pretty horseback ride. First we were down then we went up a big hill and saw where the intructor lived and we saw his house and family. We stoped at the top to rest the horses and get a drink.My horses name was Caramel. |
| On the horseback ride we saw wild turkeys and donkeys |
Horses in Puerto Rico
This is at Purto Rico in a little field that had these horses in it. The little foal here is named Caramela. In spanish that means caramel. |
You can see Caramela in this ohoto and in the back round you can see boots. |
Caramela's mother is Lassie. |
The brown horse in this photo is named Jack and the light brown horse is Apple. |
This is at a reastraunt in St. John. These chicks are very special and are like freinds. The black and white one is Oreo. He is the main chick. The black one with a little bit of white on his chest and wing is named Smokey, he likes to hang out with Oreo. The little yellow one is Sara. The other black one under the chair is named Misty. |
This is Sara and Misty running to there mom. There mom takes very good care of them and these chicks will wonder from there mom. |
| This is when they were all just hanging out while there mom took a dirt bath. |
Even though they are small they can jump ths wall. |
Drew and I got to get closer without disturbing them. |
| But I guess we got too close for mama chicken. |
Now we got to see them looking for food and I got this good picture of Sara. |
Whenever mama got somthing all the chicks would come and eat it. |
Somtimes they will find there own. |
2 weeks later they grew long legs and true feathers. |
When we first saw them Drew thought it was a diffrent family, but then Oreo ran to his mother and we knew it was them. |
We found them again and they were all cuddling in the dirt where they sleep. |
When they got up you can see Sara stretching her wing. |
Paintbrush Tail
This is Paintbrush Tail. We called him that because his tail was like a painbrush. |
He was like a little wild cat. He would walk around the aparment we were in. |
| This is at Culebra in a little field, this horse is named peaches because her nose felt like a peach. |
Drew and I would grab a HUGE handful of long sweet grass and we would run along the fence and Peaches would chase us for the grass. |
Peaches would run down the hill and she would gallop. |
Then we would stop and feed her some grass. |
Then we would run again. |
Puerto Rico
This fish is named Spots. Drew caught this filefish when he was snorkling with a net. |
This cats name is Toughy. He came walking up like was going attack everyone but he had the smallest meow.Toghy liked to beg for chicken.He also liked to bump your fist. |
This barracuda was hanging out under our boat for a very long time. So Drew caught him but he came back. So I caught him. He put up a big fight and you can see by the expression on my face that I think he's going to eat my head. |
This kitty's name is Stumble because when she walked she would stumble around. Every day we would visit the library and we would see her. We could pet her and play with her. People said that she was going to go to COlorado. When we came back to Culebra she was gone so she must have moved to Colorado. |
| This little fish was caught and released at CULEBRA. Her name is Beauty. |
| This was a terrible horse back ride near El Yunque. There were two 3&4 year olds screaming when a guy came up and whipped my horse and the girls' horse and made them trot. That made the front horses trot and the trot was so uncomfortable and it hurt..."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"They would scream so loud and I was right next to one.My horse's name was Peterson. |
We got to feed a horse named JR. |
Road Trip
This is at the top of the Going To the Sun Road. This is the Papa of two young little kids named Logan and Sonny. The father is named Jackson after Mt.Jackson in Glacier. |
Here is the mother named Dandy and Logan and Sonny. |
Jackson,Dandy,Logan and Sonny were grazing really close to the trail we were on. |
This picture is really cute because they are all facing the same way. Dandy had tracking device around her neck. |
When we were leaving we saw a postcard in person. It was this beatiful thing to see. All the flowers and grass the colers surrounding this cute little rodent was amazing. The sun and all the pine trees behind him was so pretty. |
| This is at a campground in Wintrop,Washington. There was a nice little cat named Luke we let him inside for a little bit but he left. |
He went under our truck and went in one of the pipes because it was still warm! He fell asleep in our chair and we fed him chicken! |
This a grouse at Olympic National Park. I saw one who got really close to! I also saw it attack a cricket and I saw the cricket go down his throat! I named him Olly. |
This is Blackberry. I named him that because he ate lots of blackberrys! |
Blackberry got angry at us for picking all his blackberrys. But it all went to good use! |
| Now OTTERS at LAST!!!! The Mom is Sasha the baby is Tiny the 2nd baby is Cali the 3rd baby is Tickle. We watched them roll around and swim! |
Calie got lost and couldn't find her mom and started to make a high pithed chirp to call for her mom. |
After we walked down the beach to Hole in the wall where we saw a young black tailed deer. |
I told you it ALL went to good use. We had SIX blackberry jams!!!! |
Saying goodbye to Blackberry was sad. |
He also would miss us because he would also say goodbye to sugar cubes,carrots and apples! |
This is at Northwest Trek Wildlifepark. |
This was the only time we saw a black bear on the road trip but it was in a zoo. |
This was on the tram ride and we saw a bacherlor herd of ram bighorn sheep. |
These are the caribou, they are eating some feed the peaple gave them. |
This white wolf came really close, and he was stalking my stuffed animal rabbit named Flour you can see her in some pictures in the blog. |
This is Sparkle the dog at a beach in St. Martin. |
The first time we saw her she was sick and she would stuble around, but now you can see she is chasing us and is running in the water. |
Somtimes she would get pushed by the waves. |
She loved running on the beach biting us. |
Here you can see that Sparkle is wondering what the camera is. |
St. John's Animals
| This is on the Bordeaux mountain trail in St. John. This is a weird moth or butterfly with cool wings. |
There were lots of millipedes on the trail. |
On the trail there were lots of diffrent wasps making there nests. |
This is a great picture of a millipede all curled up. |
We caught this coral crab and thought it was a stone crab so we took one claw and it was great. |
This is Junior. She is much smaller then you think. |
She had little knocky knees and was very curios. |
This is a cute picture of her cleaning herself. |
| In this picture you can see how fuzzy she is. |
This is a chick that left his mother at a younger age. He was not affraid at all and I almost touched him. |
| This is where Oreo lives and where lots more chicks live like these ones. |
This is a chick that has no siblings. |
Statia, Selassie and Cheepers
This is Statia, a young chick that Drew got to hold. She is the yellow chick on the rock. The black chick facing you is Rocky and the other one behind Statia is Maggy Jr. |
| The yellow chick in this photo is named Quill. He is the brother of a chick we saved. The little black one is Maggy JR. named after the mother chicken named Maggy. |
This picture is not so good because they are always moving. |
This picture is better because you can see them all. The yellow chick closest to Maggy is named Statia. She is the one who Drew got to hold. The black chick on the rock is named Rocky, she is the sister of Statia who also is a girl. Quill is the yellow chick that is farthest from Maggy. Maggy JR is the black chick closest to Maggy. |
Quill is doing what Maggy is doing, he is putting up his head and Statia is running towards Maggy. |
This is at Antigua. We met this donkey who is owned. The little stuffed animal donkey next to his head is Bray. |
The donkeys name is Sellasie. On the ground you can see peices of cabbage we fed him. |
This chick I am holding is named Cheepers. He was orphaned. What happened was Drew, Dad and I were walking down a hill and we saw a dead chick that was not run over. Then we saw a big black dog with a flea collar on so it was owned. When we went to get mom from the market, MILKAS, we heard cheeping and we saw a little chick without a mom. I started to chase him so I could pick him up and look for a mother. But I missed and the dog came in and bit him. Dad yelled and the dog looked up and it looked like Cheepers was dead, but then Cheepers looked up and ran. Cheepers ran under some stuff and hid. When Drew, Dad and Mom were at the picnic table I went behind the store and I saw Cheepers at a big family of chicks but not following them. So I ran up to him and I got him in my hands. I stopped for a second to look at him. Cheepers was very scared so I put him in my shirt and closed him up. I ran over to the gate and yelled "Drew Drew open the gate I have it in my shirt!" So Drew came and we got some photos and I told Drew that there was a family. When I went over to release him he started to squirm, so I put him down and he ran to the family and he stayed there. |
Topaz the Wonder Dog
This is me, my freind Marie and her dog Topaz. We were playing with Topaz in the water and we were able to get her to stand on the paddle board. |
Turks and Caicos
This dolphin was following us to turks and caicos. His name is Torpedo. |
When we were coming back from are restaurant we saw horse skat and then we past by an old house at least I think it was an old house and there was a dark brown horse who looked like like he needed a fur cut. We named him Caico. |
Hi Evelyn,
ReplyDeleteLook at all those cute animals! it;s great that you have come across so many different animals in your travels. I can't wait to see the photos of fish that you find in the Virgin Islands. I am sure you will see some more dogs there that will enjoy getting a treat. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Aunt Catherine
Hey Cubby!!
ReplyDeleteI love the story of Sady and Sister! So cute! You do a great job telling about the animals you are seeing on your exciting adventures! I look forward to seeing more cool animals you see in the Virgin Islands!
- Uncle Roland
Hi Evelyn,
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures. The Iguanas were wonderful. I was sad about the dogs though.
It seems you have had lots of bunny visitors along the way. I know you love them.
Hope to see you soon.
All my love, Grammie